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Don’t just treat injuries. Predict them — and avoid them altogether.

Many of these technologies, such as wearables and video, are still new and the data can be inaccurate. We have seen wearables giving wrong data as often as 30% of the time. Numbers also tend to be calibrated for male rather than female athletes. If we’re making health and safety decisions with the wrong data, we’re putting our athletes at greater risk and diminishing trust in the technology hype. Improving data accuracy is critical as the industry moves forward.

Jane Gideon

CEO, WellPlayed Sports

The players don’t get the data, it’s fed to the coaches right after practice. And in the locker room, there is definitely fear among the players about all the data being collected. We’re afraid we’re going to get cut, because the data will be able to spot a decline in our performance that can’t be spotted with the naked eye.

Doug Baldwin

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver

We aren’t quite to the stage where we can scan you with a tricorder like the ones they use on ‘Star Trek’ and diagnose your medical condition, but we’re getting there.

James Watkins

Professor of polymer science and director of the Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing

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